
If I am Preaching

If I am Preaching

To preach is grace. To preach the gospel is amazing grace. I sat thinking of the enormous gift I have been given to do something that is truly worship for those who are wired in a similar fashion as me. I started to wonder what people walk away with after our time together. These are those reflections:

Grace of Preaching

amazing The story goes, a small church somewhere had transitioned pastors and began to see outrageous growth. There were not only people coming to church, but there were many who came to Christ.

An interested person visited to see what was happening there, and was able to speak with an elder.

"So what was it your old pastor preached." "He preached that we were all sinners in need of grace that can only be found in Christ." "What is it this new pastor is preaching?" "He preaches that we are all sinners in need of grace that can only be found in Christ." "I fail to see a difference." "Well, this new pastor preaches it with tears in his eyes."

I must say the fact that God continues to give me opportunities to speak and preach is all grace. That he continues to give me opportunities to speak about the gospel of his ridiculous love is Amazing Grace.

I have been made a minister, according to the gift of God's grace...to me the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach the unfathomable riches of Christ.

Every opportunity to preach the gospel is a reminder of how very little merit I have to deserve this honor and responsibility. I never take it so lightly as to miss how desperately undeserving I actually am. I am "less than the least of all God's people" who is continually given ludicrous grace to preach the outrageous, reckless, raging fury that is the love of God.

Pepperdine Peace

A few weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to speak at Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. Their theme for the year was PEACE and their theme verse was Philippians 4:7. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJ6uLt-VnQo&w=560&h=315]

I Want to Go to There: booking schools, retreats, etc.

In the next year, my hope is to pursue opportunities to do more of what I love. Speaking! I am preparing my calendar for speaking engagements over the next year.

Please inquire here if you are interested.

TOPICS: pursuit of faith in college, making the most of college, recovery from distorted images of God, faith in pain and hurt, faith and creativity, general topics such as grace, gospel, and faith. I would love to chat with you about anything YOU might need.

What's next for PC...

Each time I speak somewhere, there is a thought and prayer that ambushes my heart.

"My God, why would you use me...again?"

2010 has a lot of promise for dreaming big and acting on those dreams. I cannot help but praise and thank God for continuing to open opportunities to write and speak for and about a grace and gospel I barely understand, or a mission to a domestic culture and demographic that grows increasingly foreign to the Church.

So far...here are some things coming down the pike for me...




  • Ragamuffin Ramblings will be taking on a face lift very soon. Keep your eye out for that!
  • Sac State has a new semester that I am excited to be around for!

I would love to speak for your group, retreat, conference, etc. Please drop a line here for more info or email ragamuffinpc@gmail.com to request promotional material.

Thank you all for your encouragement to follow the dream God has instilled within me. I love what I do and only want to keep on keepin' on.