michael hyatt

A lot of...

From time to time, I want to share the things I have been getting a lot of lately. You may read them as recommendations. You may read them as random bullet points. Lately I have been... Listening to a lot of... Beautiful Eulogy (great hip hop + theology), old dirty blues music (always a special part of my heartbeat), DL Rossi (decent music + raw reflections on faith and church), United Pursuit Band (favorite worship right now)

Reading a lot of... textbooks (always always always), Untitled by Blaine Hogan (creativity and its process), Platform by Michael Hyatt (slowing building one), How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life by Gregory Frizzell (easy read but hard to read)

Watching a lot of... SNL (because I'm the biggest fan), New Girl (the ONLY show that never piles up in our DVR), Modern Family (see New Girl's description)

Spending a lot of time... drinking coffee at Chocolate Fish, taking my girls on adventures, reading books and writing papers


Catalyst Lab Day Highlights

Here are some of my highlights from the labs I attended on the first day of Catalyst (italicized the particularly strong statements I want to ruminate on) Scott McKnight - One.Life - To ignite a dream in a student is an incredible opportunity - Jesus traded in dreams --> and we need our dreams to be swamped by Jesus' dreams - "IMAGINE A WORLD LIKE THIS" could begin every kingdom parable Jesus told - "to be a writer, you have to like sentences" (a quote by Annie Dillard) - You have to do little things well and with faithfulness to plot the course for the DREAM God gives you - parable of the weeds and wheat --> let Jesus say what he says here...they are go grow together...the world is the field, the field is not the Church...but we like to rule people out, but Jesus says we are to co-exist together until the harvest - When Jesus says to love our enemies, we ask, "Who are our enemies?" --> Muslims, Homosexuals, Homeless --> we can tell they are our enemies because they are never in our homes

Rick McKinley – “A Kingdom Called Desire” - Matthew 13:44 à the one word that ruins me is “joy” à in his joy, he sold everything - Desire is that thing which makes us ask “Why WOULDN’T I do that?” - If I’m not honest with the places in me where I don't completely trust that Jesus is enough, then I can only fake it...you can fake it in church, but you cannot fake it in the kingdom - Jesus is intent on killing you and wrecking you SO THAT he can resurrect you anew - Most of us would trade our people for Pharisees any day of the week --> they do it right, they're easier to work with, they got the duty down...but THEY'RE PHARISEES - we're joining Jesus on mission, we're not creating mission...

Michael Hyatt - The Leadership Edge - Your heart is the key to influence as a leader - Your heart should be your #1 priority (Proverbs 4:23 says "above all else") - If you do not guard your heart, things will fail and fall around you - Your heart is the essence of your identity - Ask yourself the question frequently: "How is my heart?" (ask others the same) - Your heart is the most important leadership tool you possess....do you value it as such - closed heart:  you're distant and aloof...communication shuts down...you're more interested in finding out what people have done wrong...you're critical and demanding - open heart:  fully present, engaged in the conversation, communication is wide open, you are a resource to people, you're more focused on people than you are on yourself, NOT focused on finding what is wrong - people will emulate the leader whether he likes it or not...whether the leaders heart is open or closed

Anne Jackson - Permission to Speak Freely - The common denominator in the things people felt they could not talk about in the church was "brokenness" -Whatever is broken we tend to sweep under the rug - If we don't show the world that we are broken, how will they ever believe in a healer? -  "vulnerable" comes from a word that means "to be wounded"

David Platt - Radical - Luke 9:57-62 --> doesn't it seem like Jesus is trying to talk these men out of following him? - Which is so unlike us...we spend so much time and effort trying to draw as many people as we can...each time a large crowd came to Jesus he says something HUGE about what it means to follow him - Unfortunately, Jesus did not have the advanced evangelism methods we have today *sarcasm* --> people turn away from the call He places on them, and he SEEMS to be alright with that - "Come to Jesus and get ________." --> if we fill that blank with anything but "Jesus" we preach a false gospel - We have come up with so much stuff to get us excited about Jesus...the Holy Spirit is doing just fine without all the resources we surround ourselves with in our Churches - Budget Season is where we come face to face with how little we trust God's word - When you know God truly you love God deeply

5 Blogs I NEVER Skip Over in Google Reader

I love my Google Reader. It is my preferred reader for all the blogs and sites I follow. Regardless of the reader you use, we all know you never really read every post by every person in your reader. For some of us, it would take days to do that. It's just information overload at some point. When your reader has nearly 30 new posts a day, it is necessary to skim.  For me, here are the posts I NEVER skip. 1. Ragamuffin Soul - Carlos Whittaker's blog says he  is "an artist, pastor, thinker, experience architect, and Web 2.0 junkie." I love his blog because it is creative, inspiring, and simple to read and interact with. 2.Michael Hyatt's Blog - Michael is the Chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. His blog is a crisp and clean page with great insights for leaders, writers, and bloggers. 3. Heart of Campus Ministry - I do not include this just because I am a regular contributor. The guys at HOCM truly do exemplify their title, and their love and insights are evident for any whose heart beats for the people group we call "college students" 4. Refusing to Tiptoe - Sarah is a student, an artist, and a creative. She may even be nervous I am even including her in this blog, but more people should know about her writing and thoughts and heart. 5. Jesse Peterson's Blog - Jesse is a close friend of mine, and his blog may best be described as "misadventures of a young worship leader". Anyone involved in leading worship in any capacity would benefit from the insights he processes here.


What are the blogs you never skip? (this is your chance for shameless plugs)