blues music

The Thrill is Gone: B.B. King and my love of the blues and theology

The Thrill is Gone: B.B. King and my love of the blues and theology

Last night, another hero of mine died. BB King is one of the few artists who caused me to fall in love with the blues. Blues music gives an incredible parallel narrative and context to the Bible.

A lot of...

From time to time, I want to share the things I have been getting a lot of lately. You may read them as recommendations. You may read them as random bullet points. Lately I have been... Listening to a lot of... Beautiful Eulogy (great hip hop + theology), old dirty blues music (always a special part of my heartbeat), DL Rossi (decent music + raw reflections on faith and church), United Pursuit Band (favorite worship right now)

Reading a lot of... textbooks (always always always), Untitled by Blaine Hogan (creativity and its process), Platform by Michael Hyatt (slowing building one), How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life by Gregory Frizzell (easy read but hard to read)

Watching a lot of... SNL (because I'm the biggest fan), New Girl (the ONLY show that never piles up in our DVR), Modern Family (see New Girl's description)

Spending a lot of time... drinking coffee at Chocolate Fish, taking my girls on adventures, reading books and writing papers


Why I love one paragraph: American city


Why not New York, right? I love Chicago for its rich history of blues music and comedy. I love the midwestern feel that serves as a subtle but strong background to the big city. I love legit Chicago-style deep dish pizza. I love a Chicago [hot]dog. I love the chill of the wind off of Lake Michigan in the dead of winter.


In ONE PARAGRAPH, why do you love your favorite American city?
