Matt Chandler

Honorable Mention Catalyst Debrief

After this week of Catalyst Debrief, I thought I would just give you some other random quotes, which also stuck out. Enjoy! "Demons and the Holy Spirit are similar in that they both whisper to you...You have to know your word to know which is sweet and which is a lie." -Matt Chandler

"When young leaders stand on the shoulders of older leaders, they can see further ahead." -Nancy Ortberg

"I [a pastor] need to know to know [my congregants] workplace when I don't see them, but they also need to know what I do when they don't see me." -Eugene Peterson

"The tortoise always wins the race, and we live in a culture full of hares (you win battles with a thousand cuts; not one swipe of the machete)." -Dave Ramsey

"If I lead in ministry but not at home, that is not a leader; that is an actor." -Jon Acuff

"Secrets influence the way you lead because you compensate for it in the way you lead." -Andy Stanley

"'Come to Jesus and get _____.' If we fill that blank with ANYTHING but Jesus, we preach heresy." -David Platt


What of these quotes sticks out to you most? WHY?


My Most Favorite Podcasts

- Relevant Magazine Podcast The weekly podcast of Relevant Magazine - You will never get bored listening to this crew and their insights into entertainment, culture, and current events. This is my FAVORITE podcast. - The Moth People telling stories live and without notes. - This can be very inspirational if not just pure enjoyment. I find it helps bring more lively writing of sermons as it relates to the art of telling a story. - Indie Feed Performance Poetry Cutting Edge Performance Poetry - I have recently become addicted to this podcast. Three new poems a week, and it is just great great great poetry by artists doing it right now. - Neue Weekly conversations with ministers and thinkers shaping the future of the Church. - I have only recently begun listening to this podcast. I have been a subscriber to Neue for  quite a while, and I love the quarterly magazine's material. So I expect the same from the podcast.

- Various sermons (Rick McKinley, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Rob Bell, etc.) - It is important, as a teacher and pastor, to always be listening to new voices of ministry and teaching. When you are frequently teaching, it is detrimental not to be taught as well.