Indie Feed

My Most Favorite Podcasts

- Relevant Magazine Podcast The weekly podcast of Relevant Magazine - You will never get bored listening to this crew and their insights into entertainment, culture, and current events. This is my FAVORITE podcast. - The Moth People telling stories live and without notes. - This can be very inspirational if not just pure enjoyment. I find it helps bring more lively writing of sermons as it relates to the art of telling a story. - Indie Feed Performance Poetry Cutting Edge Performance Poetry - I have recently become addicted to this podcast. Three new poems a week, and it is just great great great poetry by artists doing it right now. - Neue Weekly conversations with ministers and thinkers shaping the future of the Church. - I have only recently begun listening to this podcast. I have been a subscriber to Neue for  quite a while, and I love the quarterly magazine's material. So I expect the same from the podcast.

- Various sermons (Rick McKinley, Matt Chandler, Francis Chan, Rob Bell, etc.) - It is important, as a teacher and pastor, to always be listening to new voices of ministry and teaching. When you are frequently teaching, it is detrimental not to be taught as well.