One of the most familiar passages of scripture is Psalm 23; especially if you have ever been to a funeral or memorial. The last verse says, "Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life."
Have you like me always missed the most important word in that phrase; 'follow'?
One of the unchanging attributes of God is that is he is good. God is always good and he is always in control of our lives and world. But we still face difficult and painful things in life. We still have trouble. We still have hurt and horrible circumstances we go through and come through. Where is the goodness in those moments?
One of the most often quoted passages reveal that goodness in the most painful moments of life. It is just behind you. It follows you all the days of your life. God's goodness is coming. God's lovingkindness is coming. It is always behind you.
We are promised nowhere in Scripture that all things that happen in life are good. We are promised no matter what happens, goodness will follow.
In ALL things, goodness will follow. It is always behind you and it is coming.