revelation 21:5

Before and After Restoration

It is important to remind ourselves that the process of restoration is long and slow. It cannot be rushed or it will sacrifice the quality and integrity of the transformation. When we realize that God is making all things new (Rev. 21:5), it is important to realize that is an ongoing present tense, which stretches itself over all of eternity. Our own personal and internal restoration is ongoing over a great matter of time.

But as you restore a piece of furniture over time, it is great to look at the before picture to recognize the progress thus far. While the piece is not yet finished and is still being restored, the progress is worth noting.

Our own hearts and lives are being restored one broken place at a time. The overall restoration project of our broken hearts and lives will not be rushed or it would sacrifice the quality and integrity of the transformation.

Also, though we wish for the final product to arrive within our own broken hearts and lives, we will not experience that complete change and restoration until that final day. There will be more broken places yet to be restored.

But take courage in the progress thus far.

Welcome Haddisen Peace Walker

Life has changed dramatically again! We went from being Tonya, PC, and Bryleigh to being "The Walkers". Instead of being attended by Bryleigh, I entered into the stage of life of being flanked by "the girls". On Friday, February 24, 2012 we welcomed into the world and our life, Haddisen Peace Walker. I believe that you speak life into your children's name. You speak meaning into their name and life.

"Addison" means 'son of Adam' or earth. We added the H because we love the nickname "Haddie" but do not like the names traditionally paired with it (Harriet or Henrietta). We also love that Haddisen is a unique name we have not seen elsewhere.

As a whole, Haddisen Peace is very redemptive as a name. The meaning of Haddisen draws you back to God's original and peaceful plan for His world and His people. There was perfection and true 'shalom', but of course, with generations of choice, humanity has terribly broken the orignal state God put in place.

Followers of Jesus and believers look to scripture without getting stuck in the cynicism and skepticism typical of our world's outlook. They actually believe and take God at His Word that he is making all things new (Rev. 21:5). They believe God will restore and repair what is broken. Not only WILL but IS! They believe peace (shalom) is possible.

My hope for Haddisen Peace is that she will live her life with a restoration lens through which she sees herself, God, and God's world. I hope she learns to see life not as it is, but as it ought to be.


Restoration: n

res*to*ra*tion [res-tuh-rey-shun]noun 1. act of renewing or reviving 2. a state of being restored/returned to original 3. a restitution of something lost or stolen 4. recreated setting, as in a historical house 5. repair or replacement

re*store [ri-stawr, -stohr] verb 1. to bring back, as to use or good condition 2. to give back


This is my word of the year. I want these things in my heart, soul, life, and world. I want this for me. I want it for those close to me, and I want it for strangers.

I'm not dead yet

You know the story in Matthew 9 when Jesus heals the little girl? When he shows up to heal her, everyone tells him that she's dead. Jesus says, "Go away! She isn't dead, she's only sleeping." Other translations say, "Make room! She isn't dead, she's sleeping." It is interesting that things we call "dead", God calls "sleeping". It is a reminder that God is always making things new (Rev. 21:5)...even the things we have given up on and deemed "dead". That thing or part of us we are sure will never heal or change, God says "Make room! Its not dead, its just sleeping, and I am making it new."