lies about life

QUESTION: What are the lies OTHER people tell themselves?

After yesterday's post, I wanted to rephrase the question for further answers. Yesterday, the question brought great answers regarding the lies we tell ourselves. I intentionally listed that question first as I imagined that today's question is easier to answer. It is always easier to see the problems other people have than our own. But question remains for today.

The question: What are the lies OTHER people tell themselves? The context: whatever you like (about relationships, about our faith, about work, about creativity, about addictions, about passions, about life in general)

Examples: He will love me if I put out. My dream is not worth pursuing because…. They don’t and couldn’t like me because… I will always be alone. Life is pointless. God could never love ME.  Facebook is real community. The Raiders are a good football team. This product will make my life better. I deserve this.

Please respond with your answers here.

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