alabaster jar

Breaking Jars

I sit in thought about the story of the woman who broke her alabaster jar for Jesus.  She brought and poured out something of great worth and long-saved value.  I have not really been thinking about it in the "give your ALL for Christ" mentality exactly.  I think a bit more of our call to love Christ in all our brothers and sisters around us. Now I have to wonder when was the last time I threw all caution to the wind in order to love someone...anyone around me?  When was the last time I forgot about proving points or convincing someone of the gospel through words and broke my alabaster jar instead?  When was the last time I did not just SAY, "You too are loved by God..." but actually thought it in my heart and then RELATED it to someone?

I also love the response of all the good Christian respectables around the woman.  These crazy people! (It's always easy to read a story and call people 'crazy' or 'outrageous' in Biblical stories instead of actually identifying ourselves with them).  They see this action as a giant waste...very reckless.  When was the last time I did something for someone else, which to everyone else would appear 'reckless' or 'wasteful' (you can waste more than time...possessions...)

For I read this and know Jesus then says, "Leave her alone because people will be telling her story forever because SHE GETS IT!!"

So when was the last time I was reckless!

Forget that!

When is the NEXT time I WILL BE reckless!!

Medicine Man

A man's heart was terribly sick. He came to meet a traveling Healer who gave him a bottle of heart medicine. Not sold, but gave! The bottle is shiny and clean, but more importantly, it is rare. Without opening it, the man attaches the bottle to his jacket to wear as a medal, but it is only one. So he goes to find the Healer to ask for more bottles. Many trips later, his jacket is full of shiny bottles of heart medicine.

He thanks the Healer that he has been gifted all these bottles no one else has, especially that poor slop of a woman on the other side of town.

The woman? Oh she is another story who encountered the same Healer. She had also come to him with a sick heart, but her heart was sickened by her own poor choices and worse actions. She came in search of the Healer to work tirelessly serving Him and paying respects.

The Healer gave her the strongest bottle He had. She drank the entire bottle and found complete healing for her sick heart. Her love for the Healer was greater than anyone has ever known or heard of again.