Tupelo Coffee Shop

Most Beautiful 3 Minutes of My Day

I was trailed into my favorite coffee shop by a transient man. He stayed just inside the door as I progressed to the counter. The barista kept his eyes attached to the man, but said under his breath to me, "This is the second day he's showed up. He doesn't do anything wrong, though. So I don't mind him hanging there." First tinge of beauty.

Turning around, I watched the vagrant man hangout in the entry way. It is not especially hot or cold outside. So it could not have been for any relief from the elements that brought him to this threshold two days in a row. He didn't want coffee or money or a handout of any sort. So WHAT does he want here?

Naturally, he has attracted dozens of wandering eyes by now, but the beautiful things begin to show up for me.

He begins bobbing his head and twitching his body to the beat of the dance music on the house system. He is dancing. Subtle...but he is soaking the music like it is a hydration station on a marathon of beggared life.

The song ends and he turns to leave.


Coffee Shop Commandments: part 2

Here is the second installment of Coffee Shop Commandments you need to be aware of if you are to visit a coffee shop at any point in the future.


Thou shalt not play your guitar Just because there are open mic nights at this establishment, it is not an indicator of this being a constant testing ground for your new song or whatever cover song you're working on right now. All these people are NOT here to hear you play. Leave your guitar at home. (Your song isn't that great anyway. I'm sorry...I'm a friend)

Thou shalt not drink of the outside Why is this commandment necessary? Honestly, this is a business and though their competitors' ads may be accepted, their competitors' PRODUCT is not. You may not bring another company's coffee into this shop. It is not rude for them to ask you throw it away; you are rude for having brought it in.

Thou shalt not make this your marriage bed You would be offended if I sat next to or in front of you with a bucket of popcorn and a video camera while you and your significant other make out on the coffee shop couch, but I cannot understand why you're offended. You quite obviously wanted your affection to be a spectator sport or you wouldn't have chosen to do so in a public coffee shop. You are gross!

You shall talk to others Yes, we all have work to do. That is why many of us are here, but don't be afraid to speak with others. If you come here all the time, there is no reason we should not know one another. If you are here all the time, you should know the baristas' names.  You should start to recognize the others who are here all the time...engage with the community you are observing.

Back Story - Part 1

Today you all will playthe roles I give you. I am the author of your story today.

You may sit in my created scene, but you will obey my back story. Drink up and carry on, but know I am writing you.

We will begin with you, Nerd Runner. You are always here in runner's gear and a new pile of boring books. You.are.a... Self-proclaimed genius. Don't get me wrong; you are smarter than me, no doubt, but you are not Shoeless Sage.

Shoeless Sage. You are white-haired...looooooong white hair. No one can know the true length of your white hair because it is always pulled back in a pony tail. Each day you come in, remove your shoes, and sit "Indian-style" on a seat the rest of us have sat at one time. You.are.a... Computer gamer who will never be too old for W.O.W. You pull off the sage look, but your bike helmet and posture indicate you are better known as beastslayer69. You would make Doc shake his head in disappointment.

Doc You seem able to leave the craziness of medicine to enter the scene nearly every day wearing either full scrubs or that "Doctor Casual" look complete with cell phone belt holster. You.are.a... Doctor of some alternative medicine that your internet diploma indicates. It is more than "alternative"; it is top-secret. We only know that you always look dapper and yet prepared for spontaneous surgery. You are likely in cahoots with Lois.

Lois Your name really is Lois. I cannot even make satirical back story for you because your sweetness weakens me. You are always cuddled up in a chair (never a bench or booth) with whatever Michael Crichton novel you're on to now. You.are... FREAKING CUTE!!!