High Fidelity Week: Try It You Might Like It

This week I put a hold on the 'deeper' musings and appeal to the music lover in me who I hope appeals to the music lover in you. I will provide highlights of and links to different Spotify lists I have created. You can also just follow me on spotify to see all the playlists and songs I listen to. Check back each day this week to read about that day's playlist. I'm kicking the week off with today's playlist, entitled:


For many years I have kept a list on my phone of songs, artists, albums I want to check out. It may be a recommendation from a friend. It may be because of an article I read in a magazine or online. It may also just be a new album from an artist I have liked for a while. I have used spotify for a long time to take a listen to these artists, and then I finally realized, "I could just make a playlist and put all these artists, songs, or albums in it to listen whenever I can. 

This list is going to be very diverse, and it is always going to be changing. It is managed by my own personal tastes. So I will add and remove items all the time. I may listen to it, not like it, and remove it from the list. I may listen to it for a while until it just sets in to a category of liking it enough that it is no longer something I am just "checking out", so I'll remove it. 

I would love feed back and recommendations. Feel free to email or facebook those my way for this list. Enjoy that list here. 

PC Walker

Speaker.Author.Poet, whatever comes through the cracks is all grace.