High Fidelity Week: Boom Bap Got Me

This week I put a hold on the 'deeper' musings and appeal to the music lover in me who I hope appeals to the music lover in you. I will provide highlights of and links to different Spotify lists I have created. You can also just follow me on spotify to see all the playlists and songs I listen to. Check back each day this week to read about that day's playlist. Now for today's playlist, entitled:


Here is something not many know about me; I love hip hop and most rap. I should clarify; I like GOOD hip hop. That is not to say I only like hip hop with a Christian influence. It is to say I value good writing. I do not value hip hop about the same tired subjects (money, sex, violence, etc.). This playlist has a lot of great hip hop. It is art written and created by artists and lyricists. Some of the artists do classify themselves as Christians, and that influence will come out in the writing. Others would not call themselves Christians, but their art is still just fantastic. So if you're a fan of hip hop, this is a great play list for you to check out. If you only like hip hop and rap by artists who are Christians, check out my playlist entitled HUMBLE BEAST. These are all artists on my favorite label, and they are all brilliant musicians and artists. None of them sample tracks, but you can get all their music for free on their website www.humblebeast.com

PC Walker

Speaker.Author.Poet, whatever comes through the cracks is all grace.