this is for the broken onessmart enough to know how foolish they are this is for the ones who have tried and found life lacking This is for those not content to confess that THIS is all there is
this is for wearied ones fighting the fads of wondering if our crying hearts might drown us It is for those who know our tears are telescopes to heaven looking through trembling lenses for hope and deeper senses of home
this is for those who don't need church to be a menagerie of SAINTS but an emergency room for sinners It is for those whose shadows are faint from finding too much light
It is for those who step out onto nothing hoping to land on something because accepting that you are accepted is a perception of yourself not everyone can afford
But this is for the wobbly and weak-kneed who have let loose the luxury of denying a handout of amazing grace
This is for those who chose a path, though straight and narrow, is still rugged and beaten
You are still on the right track
This is for the phobic confessors who could never match the projections Of the pious It is for those to whom perfection is a gangly wire no one could ever walk
This is for the child who holds that heaven is full of five-year-olds sparing themselves the futility of proving themselves to people who will never speak their language Of half cartoon, half boo-boo, and half "Daddy, I love you."
3 halves make one more than whole
Do not accept yourself only as you should be but as you are because you will never be as you should be
Quit rinsing your filthy rags in gas station bathrooms as if hand soap and make-believe will make them believe you belong
But you belong
You belong to a kingdom belonging to people not trying to be cleaner than they are
You belong
This is for the sin-soaked and broken who are loved and outspoken knowing un worthy is not the same as worth less
This is for the paupers who have made peace with their flaws and their friends it is for those who have prayed in silence but never ceased to pray
This is for you Do not for one second take it for granted
Be certain your gift is contagious
Though it is yours to have it's value is only in it's giving away
Make sure your every conversation leaves a sensation of love
Because this
is where the mighty descend and the lowly rise to comprise what we all crave
This piece is a sort of honor for a hero of mine. As I see video footage of Brennan, my heart sinks at seeing him fade away. This is still a very rough cut for this piece (I'm not even sure I'll keep the title). I want to take it to a couple writers' groups and see if I can refine it some more.