Conference Life

Today begins the week of Catalyst West Coast, and I am prepared to see what God has in store for me here in Irvine, CA.

Conferences are fantastic resources for me. I know some are not so encouraged by them, but my heart and mind are frequently refreshed by them. Sadly, because of financial resources, it has been a couple years since I have been able to attend one for which I was not speaking or teaching.

Catalyst includes several people I look forward to hearing from in hopes of a rejuvenating heart for ministry. I would imagine the rest of this week here will have quips and quotes I am taking away from Catalyst.

People I am excited to hear from: Matt Chandler Rick McKinley Michael Hyatt Rev Run Mark Batterson Gungor Carlos Whittaker John Mark McMillan Eugene Peterson Jack Dorsey Anne Jackson

and so many others

PC Walker

Speaker.Author.Poet, whatever comes through the cracks is all grace.