Why I am Nervous to Teach The Ragamuffin Gospel

This Sunday I will begin a class I am teaching over the book by Brennan Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel. It is my favorite book of all time, and I am strangely nervous to teach about it.

I am nervous because:

1. It is my favorite book. The lesson of recommending your favorite book to someone is one not many have learned. Not everyone is going to have the same experience with the book as you did, face it! I had to learn a while ago to be selective with my excitement for the book recommendation, but I'm not just recommending the book; I am TEACHING it.

2. I don't know how Is it a book study or a class? Can we not keep pretending that everyone actually reads the book in a book study? So the question becomes, "If I am accepting not everyone will read it, should I just teach through it at the risk of repeating what some WILL HAVE read? OR Do I go on pretending they read and make a book study at the risk of everyone looking blankly at the only one who HAS read it...ME?

3. Uneducated people may attend Aristotle said, "The mark of an educated mind is one that is able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Human beings have a tendency to hear one thing they disagree with and throw the baby out with the bathwater. Yes, Brennan Manning is a flawed ragamuffin of a man; he is likely to say some things which aren't perfect, but so do I. So does your senior pastor. So does your favorite author, but those people also write and say many other great things to present Jesus to us.


If you're in the Sacramento area and are interested in attending the class, it is on Sunday mornings for the next 6 weeks at 11:30a at First Covenant Church.

PC Walker

Speaker.Author.Poet, whatever comes through the cracks is all grace.