3 dreams for 2011

Resolutions are not generally something I spend too much time casting. Goals are not a typical party of my vocabulary or reality. Vision casting is not an expertise I would project onto myself.

But I love to dream I cannot NOT create

The dreams I have for this year are to:

Poemize each sermon I write, make a spoken word EP (even if just for me), take more pictures of nothing particular, draw outside the lines of "3", self-publish a book about...something, shoot more video, share more video, join a poetry/writing group, join a rec volleyball league, start and finish P90X again, wear a fake mustache at least once, learn more ukulele, add to this list...

What are your dreams, resolutions, goals, hopes for 2011?

PC Walker

Speaker.Author.Poet, whatever comes through the cracks is all grace.