PC Walker

The Books


Won’t Stop Calling Your Name: A Reminder of Relentless Love

Each one of us has been pursued relentlessly and asked to believe something startling. When you stop and take hold of that reality, it will change you.

Humanity has created whole religions designed to seek God, but this search has been flipped over and turned over. We have been presented with a God who seeks YOU. Here is a realization you will never be able to shake off.

A shift awaits anyone who will recognize and engage a combustible truth. It is a simple reality with momentous implications: God simply won’t stop calling your name.

What People Are Saying About Won't Stop Calling Your Name

“Throughout this book Walker finds a way of reassuring the reader while challenging us, granting us both comfort and conviction, offering both a hug and gentle push into a deeper relationship. Using pop culture, the works of great thinkers and his unique personality, this is a wonderful conversation with a writer who cares about you, the reader. If you ever wanted to have a meaningful conversation with a well-read, personable, passionate thinker but would not know where or how to start this is that conversation, this is that conversation.”
- Scott Martin, Author, Speaker, Traveler and President of Global Student Solutions

“This book is so needed to refresh broken spirits. It is an easy read, short chapters with something on every page for everyone. If you desire a connection or want something to give to a friend. This book is amazing.”
- Carmyn Hough, Author’s Mom

Warning! Only read this book if you are in need of having the shitty perceptions you’ve built of your self-worth knocked down and lovingly reconstructed by the Master craftsman who created you.”
- David McCracken, Spiritual Director

Beneath Broken Machines: Reviving Trust In The Heart Of The Gospel

We have a propensity to build machines out of our faith. We like to put in the right things, hoping it will churn out the right product. We become proud of the manufactured machines of faith we have built. The trouble with machines is that they have no hearts and break down. You may not know what to do if your machine has broken down.

Embark on a search for the heart that still beats for you. Embrace the wonder and awe of the ridiculous love of God that has always been for you. Encounter the heart of Jesus beneath all of your pain, failure, and shame.

Beneath Broken Machines is available to order online in nearly all the places you buy books online: Amazon, Barnes&Noble, or directly from the publisher

what people are saying about Beneath Broken Machines:

"As someone who has left the church, this book spoke to me. I'm not talking about an awakening with pomp and circumstance, but something more simple, beautiful, and powerful. PC has always been a guiding force in my life, and this incredibly powerful book is no different."
- Kyle Lacy, 3x Author and National Speaker

"Beneath Broken Machines is a cup of cold water to a dry, parched, and weary soul. In ministry, it's easy to portray that I ONCE was lost...but now I've got it all together. PC writes this book with humility and openness, which gives permission to confess that your machine is broken as well."
- Travis Osborne, Pastor at Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, CA

"PC is not 'politically correct' with his new book, Beneath Broken Machines. Instead he speaks with a sense of honesty and humility about our brokenness. His book brings refreshment resulting from our openness to call sin, 'sin.' He challenges us to confess or admit the nature of our wrongs. This is not what the world would have us do! This is a good book from a humble man. Read it!"
-Dr. Patrick Blewett, Dean of A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary

"When the current culture seems to be distancing itself as fast as it can from the organized church, PC offers a theologically sound and logically witty paradigm that paints a picture of grace that is untainted by works and legalism. PC's picture offers a road back to the positive heritage that the church can offer. Beneath Broken Machines separates what we DO from who we ARE and invites a generation that is fleeing the church back to community and fellowship...and ultimately, back to the great love of their Papa."
- Lisa Pay, Professor of Social Work, Anderson University

"I cannot tell you how excited I am for this book from my good friend PC Walker. He would kill me for saying this, but I honestly believe this is The Ragamuffin Gospel of the next generation."
-David Leo Schultz, Writer and Director of the films Ragamuffin and Brennan

Are you feeling like your faith has dried up? Beneath Broken Machines will give you the jumpstart you need! In this book PC walker examines ways that our spiritual lives become lifeless, broken-down machines and gives us the remedy—an authentic relationship with the real Jesus and an encounter with the love of God. Buy this book!"
-Alan Garrett, Author of "Unsilenced: Giving a Voice to Women Silenced by Ignorance"

"God used this book to renew me and motivate me to pursue Jesus on a deeper level! The book has a great way of reminding us of the over the top love & grace God has for us in Christ! Especially helpful for a believer who is tired of going through the motions spiritually."
- Paul Worcester, Director of Christian Challenge CSUC

“I wish I could write these words in braille so someone could feel what I’m saying.”